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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Commissioner Selig, Honor Barry Bonds - An Open Letter

Allan H. (Bud) Selig, Commissioner
245 Park Avenue, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10167

Dear Commissioner Selig,

Over the years I've come to appreciate what you've done for Major League Baseball, and foremost you've managed to stewart the steady increase in the values of each of the franchises of Major League Baseball. For example, the San Francisco Giants rose from $188 million in 1998 to about $350 million in 2005. And over the last 40 years, this bankable rise in value has outpaced the S&P 500.

A remarkable achievement.

One clear fuel of this growth has been the rise in the number of home runs hit after 1994 -- the strike year. All of us knew Major League Baseball needed a shot in the arm, and it literally got one via the blasts from players like Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa. In fact, some point to their friendly record-setting home run chase as the single event that did save baseball. Moreover, it and the exploits of players like Barry Bonds have made Major League Baseball franchises desirable to own since the strike.

I write to express a great displeasure with your actions against Barry Bonds. A person is innocent until proven guilty and to date no one has demonstrated that Bonds did indeed take steroids. Moreover, there are a great many people very uninformed regarding the use of legal versus illegal performance - enhancing drugs.

Rather than be the steady hand that keeps the wolves at bay, you seem intent on exciting them. By making public annoucements that you're not going to celebrate Barry Bonds achievements to come, you give legitimacy to charges leveled against him from people who should be sued for libel and slander. In fact, you should take up this mattter, yourself.

Rather than admit that Barry Bonds has helped each franchise owner with his home run chase and the resultant growth in merchandise revenue, TV ratings, and internet traffic it has caused, you seek to bury Bonds apparently to "save baseball" and yourself.

I guarantee you will not find anything to slam-dunk get Barry Bonds out of baseball. Sorry.

Look, this is a matter of those who dislike Barry and can't see beyong their own hate.

Don't joint them. Their trip to the gutter is not one youn want to take.

Celebrate Barry.


Zennie Abraham, Jr.
Chairman and CEO
Sports Business Simulations


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